Implementasi Pelaksanaan Zona Integritas Pada Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Banten

Dimas Handrianto, Ipah Ema Jumiati, Wily Mochamad Iqbal


Efforts to reform the bureaucracy in Indonesia have been initiated since the multidimensional crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997. Improvement in the Economic, Law and political sector at that time was the government's priority, and bureaucratic reform became the next priority. Implementing a corruption-free territorial integrity zone (ZI WBK), not only aims to eradicate corruption, but also prevent it. Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) is part of government apparatus which is also obligated to implement ZI. Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Banten as one of the agencies that carry out some of the tasks of the BKKBN in the province, and they begin received the mandatory to became a pilot project in 2020. This study uses the implementation theory of George C. Edward III which defines the implementation of public policies be affected 4 variable, communication, resource, disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The results of the author's research conclude that the Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Banten has implemented the ZI program effectively and efficiently. The final score that they get, is not only passed by internal assessment team but by the national assessment team. The researcher conclude that (1) there are no inhibiting factor that become obstacle  for both implementers and their subordinates when implementing the ZI policy; (2) There are new point of view that affects the implementation of a policy, (3) There is an effectiveness bias that is influenced by the dualism of external parties, when the measure of implementation success is assessed not in one interpretation. So there needs to be a same understanding for the assessment team, internal and external.

Keyword : Integrity Zone,  Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Banten, Public Policy Implementation

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Peraturan Perundangan

Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) nomor 9 tahun 2011 tentang pengaturan sejumlah ketentuan, antara lain instansi pemerintah harus melaporkan LHKPN (Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara), menyelenggarakan pelayanan satu pintu, dan menetapkan program Wilayah Bebas Korupsi (WBK) menuju Zona Integritas

Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Republik Indonesia nomor : 81 tahun 2010 tentang Grand Design Reformasi Birokrasi 2010-2025

Peraturan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara (Permenpan) Nomor : PER/15/M.PAN/7/2008 tentang Pedoman Umum Reformasi Birokrasi.

Permenpan Nomor : PER/04/M.PAN/4/2009 tentang Pedoman Pengajuan Dokumen Usulan Reformasi Birokrasi di Lingkungan Kementerian/ Lembaga/ Pemerintah Daerah.

Peraturan Menteri No. 20 tahun 2012 yang berisi panduan umum penerapan zona integritas menuju wilayah bebas korupsi (ZI WBK).

Permenpan-rb nomor : 60 tahun 2012 tentang pedoman pembangunan zona integritas menuju wilayah bebas dari korupsi dan wilayah birokrasi bersih dan melayani di lingkungan kementrian/lembaga dan pemerintah daerah.

Permenpan-RB nomor : 52 tahun 2014 tentang pedoman pembangunan zona integritas menuju wilayah bebas dari korupsi dan wilayah birokrasi bersih dan melayani di lingkungan instansi pemerintah.

Permenpan nomor 10 tahun 2019 tentang perubahan atas peraturan menteri pendayagunaan aparatur negara dan reformasi birokrasi nomor 52 tahun 2014 tentang pedoman pembangunan zona integritas menuju wilayah bebas dari korupsi dan wilayah birokrasi bersih dan melayani di lingkungan instansi pemerintah.

Keputusan Kepala BKKBN nomor : 76/KEP/C/2019 tanggal 12 oktober 2019 tentang penetapan unit kerja percontohan 2019-2020.

Renstra Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Banten 2020-2024

Surat Plt. Deputi Bidang RB Akuntabilitas Aparatur dan Pengawasan Kemenpan RB


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