The Effectiveness of Using Instagram in Teaching English Pronunciation at Senior High School

Dwi Oktavia Ningsih, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Yusti Fargianti


The research aimed to find out the effectiveness of using Instagram in teaching English pronunciation at SMA Negeri 4 Kota Serang. This study used a method that is quasi-experimental research. This study used a sample of tenth-grade students with a total of 60 students, 30 experimental students and 30 control class students. Both classes received a pre-test at the first researcher entering the class, and a post-test at the last researcher entering the class. The post-test results from the two classes would then be compared to find out the effectiveness of Instagram in teaching English pronunciation. Sig-2 tailed value from the experimental and control class was 0.01 and alpha (a) was 0.05, or 0.01<0.05, according to the results of the Independent Sample T-Test. It indicates that  was rejected and  was accepted. It is possible to conclude that Instagram was effective to improve students pronunciation.

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