JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) publish twice a year in June and Desember. It was published on June 2010 and had been registered to PDDI LIPI for printed ISSN based on SK no. 0005.058/JI.3.2/SK.ISSN/2010.12 on 22 December 2010 for Vol. 1 No. 1, December 2010. Meanwhile, JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) starts using Online Journal System (OJS) in December 2017. Therefore, our publication during June 2010 till June 2017 was printed back issues. As we growth, we did some alternation in order to make improvement. Author guidelines was revised on December 2017 at the article interface section. We also did some changes with layout at first page. Moreover, on the same edition we also revised our focus and scope. JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) aims to encourage research in communication studies. Focus and scopes within the journal include but not limited to: 1. Media anda Text Analysis 2. Cross-cultural Communication 3. Enviromental Communication 4. Health Communication 5. Organizational Communication 6. Political Communication 7. Gender Studies.
JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) made MoU with organizations of profession and the association of journal managers, they are Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia (ISKI) in 2018, Asosiasi Penerbit Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia (APJIKI) in 2017 and 2020 For improvement journal managements of Open Journal System usage. JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) fully implemented the business process of Open Journal System, in which all the processes hade been done based on the mechanism when it was registered to online ISSN based on SK no. 0005.26864754/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2019.10 on 2 October 2019 applied from Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2019. Afterwards, JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) submitted and received Sinta 5.
Regarding to the assessor's recommendation, academic reason, and also the result of study comparison in the similar journals, JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) keeps maintaining its management and content. In 2021, there was revisions template (including artickle layout), author guidelines, journal covers and web interface for more informative, also adding counts of article publication to 8 begin from Vol.12, No.1 Juni 2021 . At the middle 2021 until early 2022, JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) has been registered in international indexer platform, they are Crossref, Dimensions, OneSearch, Index Copernicus International and Base Academic to increase scientific and journal impact. For next, JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi) will publish in English.