Angelica Biduan Christin


The development of technology, especially social media, has a significant impact on various aspects of human life, including education. This article aims to examine the effect of students' activeness in WhatsApp and TikTok social networks on changes in students' motivation and interest in learning. The research method used is Systematic Literature Review, which involves collecting, analyzing and identifying relevant sources related to the use of the two applications in the context of education. The results show that the use of TikTok and WhatsApp can positively increase students' learning motivation through the presentation of interesting learning content and easy accessibility of materials. TikTok, with its audio-visual content, assists students in understanding the subject matter in a more enjoyable way, while WhatsApp facilitates effective communication between students and teachers and enables quick and efficient dissemination of learning materials. However, excessive use of both apps also has potential negative impacts, such as dependence and health problems. The conclusion of this study confirms that wise and controlled use of social media can increase students' motivation and interest in learning.


Community learning in information technology innovation

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