ADHD is a childhood disorder that occurs during early development (before age 7) and is characterized by an inability to concentrate, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. According to DSM IV-TR (2005), children with ADHD are characterized by inattention to an activity and difficulty maintaining attention (concentration) when carrying out tasks and play activities. Therefore, special treatment is needed to improve concentration and reduce symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity in ADHD children. The purpose of this article is to explain how to maintain attention (focus) in childhood ADHD and one way to treat it is play therapy. This research is designed based on the concept of literature, or finding research sources by collecting documents from several sources based on journals related to ADHD in early childhood. This method was applied by identifying, reviewing, evaluating and interpreting all existing research. The researchers reviewed magazines that were relevant to the topic. The review process was carried out systematically and structured in each process, following predetermined steps. (Triandini, 2019).Keywords: ADHD; Play Terapy; Childhood
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