Education is an effort to improve the quality of human resources. Education can be obtained through formal and non-formal institutions. In formal educational institutions there are regular classes and inclusion classes. Where in this class there are not only regular children but also some children with special needs. One of them is Segregated Education which has been going on for more than a century, since the start of education for blind children in 1901 in Bandung (Baharun, Hasan, 2018), which is the process of separating one group from another group or isolating or ostracizing. In relation to Special Education (PLB), segregation education is an education system for children with special needs that is separate from the regular children's education service system (Casmini, 2007). Like children with special needs ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurological disorder that generally begins in children and usually lasts into adulthood. This disorder can also affect aspects of the sufferer's life, such as social relationships, problems in academics, career support, and experiencing various levels of emotional instability. Education is not only for regular children, but children with special needs also have the right to get a decent school. This also aims to ensure that as Indonesian citizens who uphold the values of justice in Pancasila can be implemented well.
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