Early Childhood Character Development Through Literature

Najwa Salsabila


The role of literature in shaping character and improving children's critical thinking abilities is undeniable. However, interest in literary reading among children today is still worrying. For this reason, further efforts are needed to develop literature teaching in the educational environment. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on strategies and methods that can be applied to increase interest in reading literature and develop understanding and appreciation of literature in children. Apart from that, this journal also discusses the important role of Indonesian language teachers in developing literature teaching in early childhood. When literature becomes an inseparable part of the educational curriculum, the role of Indonesian language teachers becomes very vital in guiding children to understand and explore the richness of literature. By understanding effective strategies, teachers can create a learning environment that supports and stimulates children's interest and understanding of literature. Thus, this research provides an important basis for developing curriculum and teaching approaches that are more effective in strengthening young children's interest and appreciation for literature.


Literature; Early Childhood; Character development; Indonesian Language Teacher

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