The Effectiveness of the Case Method and Team-Based Project Models in Consultancy Project Lectures as an Effort to Fulfill the Main Performance Indicators of Higher Education and Various Problems

Entit - Puspita, Ririn - Sispiyati, Fitriani - Agustina, Cece - Kustiawan


The Freedom of Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) policy encourages students to take lectures outside their study program and do activities outside the campus. Recognition of learning experiences as an implementation of MBKM results in a reduction in core courses in study programs, thus encouraging study programs to reposition their curriculum. One of the results of the curriculum repositioning is the existence of the Consulting Project course, which is a compulsory course for students of the Non-Education Study Program at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), which aims to train students to become part of the solution to the world of work, industry, government agencies, or certain community groups. Learning uses the case method and team-based project. The qualitative descriptive method was chosen, describing in detail the research problem by optimally studying an event. The research participants were 120 students of the UPI Mathematics Study Program. The purpose of the study is to describe various problems in implementing lectures, support for achieving the Main Performance Indicators of the study program, and benefits for students. The problems are categorized into the unavailability of a memorandum of understanding, partner problems, student competencies, and group formations. The establishment of cooperation between study programs and partners and the implementation of lectures with a case method and team-based project approach indicates that lecturers have a major role in achieving Key Performance Indicators. The benefits for students are gaining new knowledge, increasing communication and teamwork competencies, knowing various things related to the company, and gaining new experiences.


Case Method; Team-Based Project

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