Implementation of Learning Communities to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics Lesson: A Systematic Literature Review
Learning communities are a form of sustainable collaboration and knowledge-sharing between individuals to achieve certain goals. Learning communities are a way for groups of people to solve problems, especially in education. In mathematics lessons, it is important to have high-level thinking skills, one of which is critical thinking. This research aims to analyze the design and practice of learning communities in schools to improve students’ mathematical critical thinking skills. The method used is the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. Collecting journals is done by identifying journals that meet the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research results show that several learning community designs that can be practiced in schools, include Math-Talk Learning Community, Lesson Study for Learning Community, professional learning community, and interactive groups. Apart from that, learning community practices show that there are positive implications in improving students’ mathematical critical thinking skills with the existence of learning practices in schools.
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