Information Technology Innovation for Package C Program Learning in the Digital Era at PKBM Istiqomah

Fanny Khaerunnisa


This research aims to make new innovations in learning package C programs related to information technology in the digital era in facing era 5.0. This research uses qualitative methods with evaluation methods. The results of this study were carried out direct observation by going to the field.  In analyzing this research the author starts from the environmental area around PKBM Istiqomah to find out the condition of surrounding education, then for indirect analysis using literature reviews related to education. This research also aims to 1) utilize information technology-based learning resources in the digital era, 2) implement information technology innovations in learning package C programs at PKBM Istiqomah. Researchers make digital information technology innovations so that package C learning citizens can carry out online learning by utilizing learning platforms and can improve learning as well as search for learning materials on the internet.

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