Resmayeti ., I Made Samudera


Pest is one of the limiting factors in shallots cultivation.To overcome pest problems,
shallots farmers generally use pesticides intensively. These circumstance led the
increase of production costs and inefficient on shallots cultivation. One effort is to
reduce production costs and the use of pesticides with the application of pest control
threshold. Study of determination of control threshold on shallots cultivation was
carried out at Kramatwatu Subdistrict, Serang District, Banten Province, in November
until December 2014. Three treatments tested in the experiment, namely (A). S.exiqua
moth caugth > 10 individu per day, (B). Plant damage of 5%, (C). application of
pestiscide every 3 days. The experiment used a randomiced block design and each
treatment was repeated eight times. Results showed that control threshold based on the
the catch of the mouth > 10 per day gave shallots yields of 14.78 t/ha and benefit of Rp.
99.780.000/ha with the value of B/C ratio of 2,07. In the treatment of B, based on crop
damage the yield was 12.20 t/ha and benefit of Rp 69.780.000/ha was obtained with
B/C 1.38; while in treatment C, application of pesticides every 3 days yielded 11.40 t/ha
and gave benefit of Rp 62.080.000/ha with B/C at 1.19. Implementation on the control
threshold, was economically feasible to adopted because it can inrease the yield and net
benefits compared to the system of pest routinely aplied every 3 days and plant damage

Key Words: Spodoptera exiqua, control threshold, benefits



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