Yuhelsa Putra, Tubagus Bahtiar Rusbana, Wulan Anggraeni


This research was aimed to know the effect of magnetic field strenght and
duration of Immersion on Germination of ExpiredRice (Oryza sativa L.) Seed
of Ciherang Variety. This research used a Randomized Complete Design
with two factors. The first factor was magnetic field strenght (M) consisting
of four levels, namely: M0 (0 mT), M1 (15 mT), M2 (20 mT) and M3 (25 mT).
The second factor was duration immersion in magnetized water (T), which
consists of three levels, namely: T1 (12 hours), T2 (24 hours) and T3 (36
hours). The combination treatment was repeated three times, so there was 36
experimental units. Observed variables were germination age (days), the
maximum growth potential (%), growth rate (%/day), normal germination
percentage (%) and abnormal germination percentage (%). The result
showed that magnetic field strenght and magnetized water is not able to
improved for all observed variables were germination age (days), maximum
growth potential (%), growth rate (%/day), normal germination percentage
(%) and abnormal germination percentage (%). There was an interaction
between the magnetic field strenght and duration of immersion time. The
interaction magnetic field strenght of 0 mT and 15 mT with 12 hours and 20
mT with 24 hours immersion. Improved the growth rate and normal
germination percentage by 0,95 %/day and 13,33% consecutively.


Rice, Magnetic field strenght, Duration of immersion, Ciherang Variety, Seed of expired

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