Zahlul Ikhsan, Hidrayani Hidrayani, Yaherwandi Yaherwandi, Hasmiandy Hamid


Hymenoptera is one of the most significant insect orders. Hymenoptera has many vital roles in the ecosystem, namely as parasitoids, pollinators, and predators. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of four types of trap equipment commonly used for Hymenoptera collections consisting of sweep nets, yellow pan traps, malaise traps, and pitfall traps. The study was conducted in tidal swamp rice in Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province. The study was carried out at four sub-district, namely are Batang tuaka, Keritang, Reteh, and Tembilahan Hulu sub-district. The research was carried out by sampling with the transect line method. Hymenoptera collected from tidal swamp rice in Indragiri Hilir District consists of 40 families, 450 morphospecies, and 12,456 individuals. Malaise traps and yellow pan traps are the two best in Hymenoptera trapping. Malaise traps can catch 56% of morphospecies and 56% of individual abundances. Yellow pan traps can catch 27% of morphospecies and 20% of the abundance of Hymenoptera individuals. Furthermore, pitfall traps can catch 5% of morphospecies and 19% of individual abundance, and the sweep nets can catch 12% of morphospecies and 5% of individual abundance.


Hymenoptera, Collection traps, Tidal land

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33512/jur.agroekotetek.v12i1.8777


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