Parents and schools need teamwork. Schools cannot stand alone and require the participation of parents in terms of feedback for curriculum planning and implementation. Parental involvement continues to be a challenge for practitioners involved in school reform although it is a mandatory component of many school improvement initiatives. The method used for this article is literature study. The data obtained were compiled, analyzed, and concluded in order to obtain conclusions regarding the involvement of school principals and parents in schools. This article proposes a series of suggested approaches for consideration by principals, and others interested in contributing to increased involvement of school committees. These approaches are: 1) Develop the art of listening to parents, 2) Provide budget space for training and parental communication, 3) Give parents the opportunity to help solve school problems, and 4) Determine the area for sharing decision making with parents. Involvement means that parents in public school programs have the potential to positively influence the values of education, thus enabling parents to further motivate their children to study in a school setting.
Keyword: involvement of parents, parents, principal, public school, role of principal.
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