Implementasi Fuzzy Logic Controller untuk Pengendali Kecepatan Roda pada Mobile Robot dengan Variasi Nilai Set Point
Mobile robots are usually simulated in various path track, such as climbing, descending, or bumpy trajectories. Motor speed control is required to adjust the robot to follow the track. The aim of this research is to discuss how to control the speed of the motor in order to adjust the speed of the robot wheel in passing through different track hurdles. This research is done by designing fuzzy logic controller in mobile robot in order to control the speed of the robot wheel with some variation of set point value. Testing is performed on a flat and oblique path with a slope of incline and a derivative with a slope angle of -2 º to 2 º for flat category, slope of derivative with angle> 2 and slope of incline with angle <-2 º. The robot velocity control works by using MPU6050 which reads the value of the angle of conversion of accelerometer value with gyroscope on the x axis to the angle and IR sensor to read wheel speed (RPM), then controlled motor speed with fuzzy method whose output is PWM value based on condition slope. There are 3 conditions that are "horizontal", "climbing", and "downhill". The horizontal condition is at the angle> = -2 and <= 2, the descending condition is at an angle <-2 and the climbing conditions are at an angle of> 2. The result of the research test shows that the slope limit capable of executing the robot in order to reach the set point value at climbing condition is 15 ° and -15 ° in decreasing condition with the declared PWM range. The test results are also influenced by track conditions. The error value obtained is greater if the path track is not flat.
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