Front Matter

Bobby Kurniawan


Editorial Preface


Assalamualaikum wr wb.


Praise be to Allah SWT, who always gives us all health. The editorial board expresses deep gratitude to the authors who have submitted their articles to the Journal Industrial Services (JISS) in this issue. We want to thank the editorial board and reviewers who have contributed to this edition.


Journal of Industrial Services (JISS) vol. 1 no. 1 consists of 20 articles submitted by authors from 6 universities in 2 countries (Indonesia and Ethiopia). It is an honor for us, who have won the trust of various writers.


The editorial board always strives to improve the quality of JISS. JISS is a journal accredited by Dikti with the rank of Sinta 4. Therefore, the editorial board is trying to improve the JISS rating. One of the efforts made by the editorial board is to add an editorial advisory board from Waseda University, Prof. Shigeru Fujimura. We also increased the number of international reviewers (Dr. Wen Song and Fellek Getu Tadesse) to improve the quality of submitted articles. In addition, we plan to publish articles in English from October 2022.


The next edition of JISS will be published in October 2022. We always welcome constructive criticism and suggestions to improve the quality of JISS.


Wassalamualaikum wr wb,



Editorial Office

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