The Influence of The Addition of Seagrass Litter Powder to The Compressive Strength and Water Absorption ff Eco-Brick

Farida Huriawati, Nurul Kusuma Dewi


This research is made to knowing the influence of adding amount of seagrass to amount
of sand on the compressive strength and the Eco-concrete bricks’s water absorbtion. The
methods used in this research  is experiment with a sample of Eco-concrete bricks (20 x
10 x 6) cm in adding 4 variation amount of seagrass . the first variation is without adding
amount of seagrass (0%), second adding 5%, third adding 15%, and the fourth is adding
25%. The examination compressive strength and water absorbtion is do to Eco-concrete
bricks 28 days age with ten times repetition and take the average number. The result of
this examination show the number of compressive strength for each variation are 12.102
MPa without adding amount of seagrass (0%), 11.011 MPa adding 5%, 7.6044 MPa
adding 15%, and 5.3872 MPa adding 25%. The data for examination of water absorbtion
are 12.439%  without adding amount of seagrass (0%), 13.81%  adding 5%, 15.215%
adding 15%, and 16.019% adding 25%. The conclution is the more concentration adding amount of seagrass the less number of Eco-concrete bricks’s compressive strength and
otherwise the less concentration adding amount of seagrass the less number of Ecoconcrete

Keywords : compressive strength, eco-concrete bricks, seagrass, water absorption

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