Ridwan Budi Pramono, Rr. Dwi Astuti, Jayanti Putri Purwaningrum


Abstract. Mathematics have an important role in daily life. From a psychological perspective, mathematics can developed an analytical thinking process and helps to organize ideas in our mind.  The ability to understand mathematics are also based on the ability to understand the language. The picture-word inductive model is one of the learning methods that emphasizes the improvement of the students’ language skills. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the picture-word (pictorial) inductive model in improving the verbal comprehension of students in elementary school. This research used quasi-experimental research methods using experimental group. The subjects of this research are the students of primary school in Kudus District with 21 students. This research used a Wechsler scale as the measuring instrument that has been widely used in measuring intelligence, one of them is verbal ability. The results showed that the influence of the picture-word (pictorial) inductive model on the Information subtest with 0,38 as its score. Arithmetic Subtest with 0,32 as its score and the Equation Subtest with a score of 0,67. The Analysis and conclusions will be discussed further in this article.



Keywords: Wechsler Scale, Verbal Comprehension, Pictorial Word Inductive Model

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