Design and Testing of Drag and Lift Measurement Tools for Low Wind Speed Wind Tunnels

Muhammad Haris Fadilah, Slamet Wiyono, Erwin Erwin


Science and technology, including aerodynamics, are constantly advancing. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University has a wind tunnel in its Renewable Energy Engineering Lab but lacks equipment to measure drag and lift forces. To address this, researchers developed a measurement tool. This study involved a literature review, design, and experimental testing, including calibration to determine gauge R&R values and performance testing with the NACA S1046 airfoil. Calibration results showed standard deviations of 0.25 for drag force and 0.8 for lift force. Gauge R&R values were 0.678% for drag and 1.828% for lift, indicating acceptability. The tool performed well at 1-5 m/s but showed high lift force standard deviation at 6 m/s. The maximum test object weight is 0.7 kg.


Airfoil, Drag and Lift Force Measurement, Naca S1046, Wind Tunnel.

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