Collaborative Art Training Among Ethnic Groups In The Transi Muda Art Group As Artists In Dandajaya Village, Rantau Badauh District, Barito Kuala Regency
Artikel pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan pelatihan seni kolaboratif antar kelompok etnis dalam Kelompok Seni Transi Muda sebagai seniman di Desa Dandajaya, Kecamatan Rantau Badauh, Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk membangun kerjasama dan pertukaran budaya antara berbagai komunitas etnis melalui kegiatan seni. Program pelatihan melibatkan workshop dan sesi berbagi keterampilan di mana peserta dari latar belakang etnis yang berbeda berkumpul untuk belajar dan menciptakan seni secara kolaboratif. Tujuan dari proyek ini termasuk mempromosikan keberagaman budaya, meningkatkan kohesi sosial, dan memberdayakan seniman lokal. Artikel ini membahas implementasi program pelatihan, termasuk pemilihan peserta, kegiatan yang dilakukan, dan hasil yang dicapai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan seni kolaboratif berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman antar etnis, mengembangkan keterampilan kreatif, dan memperkuat ikatan komunitas. Proyek ini juga telah menghasilkan karya seni kolaboratif yang mencerminkan kekayaan dan keragaman warisan budaya lokal. Inisiatif pengabdian masyarakat ini menjadi model untuk mempromosikan kolaborasi lintas budaya dan melestarikan seni tradisional dalam masyarakat multikultural. Temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya seni kolaboratif sebagai sarana pelestarian budaya, integrasi sosial, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat.
Katakunci: pelatihan, seni, kolaborasi, Transi Muda, Etnis.
This community service article aims to promote collaborative art training among ethnic groups in the Transi Muda Art Group as artists in Dandajaya Village, Rantau Badauh District, Barito Kuala Regency. The project focuses on fostering cooperation and cultural exchange among different ethnic communities through artistic endeavors. The training program involves workshops and skill-sharing sessions where participants from various ethnic backgrounds come together to learn and create art collaboratively. The objectives of the project include promoting cultural diversity, fostering social cohesion, and empowering local artists. The article discusses the implementation of the training program, including the selection of participants, the activities conducted, and the outcomes achieved. The results show that the collaborative art training has successfully enhanced interethnic understanding, nurtured creative skills, and strengthened community bonds. The project has also led to the production of collaborative artworks that reflect the richness and diversity of the local cultural heritage. This community service initiative serves as a model for promoting cross-cultural collaboration and preserving traditional arts within multicultural communities. The findings highlight the significance of collaborative art as a means of cultural preservation, social integration, and community empowerment.
Keywords: training, art, collaboration, Transi Muda, etnic.
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