Socio-Religious Responsibility Kedonganan Traditional Financial Credit Institutions (LPD)To The Kedonganan Village As The Owner

Ni Made Devi Jayanthi


Kedonganan Traditional Financial Credit Institution (LPD Kedonganan) is one of the LPDs in Bali that has succeeded in carrying out its responsibilities to the Kedonganan traditional village community as the owner of the LPD. This responsibility is not only from economic (economic responsibility) and social (social responsibility) aspects. In its position as a special financial institution regulated by customary law, the LPD is also responsible for religious aspects (religious responsibility). These three forms of responsibility are in line with the mission of establishing the LPD as a cultural buffer. The purpose of this study is to understand the philosophy and form of responsibility of the LPD Kedonganan towards the Kedonganan traditional village as the owner. This research is an empirical legal research that focuses on implementing the philosophy of responsibility of the LPD in the Kedonganan Traditional Village as an effort to maintain the trust of the Kedonganan community towards the LPD. Data obtained through interviews and direct observation. Interviews were conducted with the management of the LPD Kedonganan and the Kedonganan traditional village community. The research shows: (1) the LPD Kedonganan adopts the Tri Hita Karana philosophy as a guide in carrying out its responsibilities to the Kedonganan traditional village; and (2) concrete forms of responsibility to the Kedonganan traditional village are : a. namely religious responsibility by helping the construction of temples and prospering the lives of religious leaders, b. economic responsibility by channeling credit to the productive sector so that Kedonganan becomes the largest grilled fish center in Bali, and c. social responsibility by developing in the fields (education, health, and sports).



Traditional Financial Credit Institution (LPD); Tri Hita Karana; Responsibility; Religious Aspect.


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