Vol 1, No 2 (2024)

The existence of customary law in the legal system in Indonesia

Pikukuh : Jurnal Hukum dan Kearifan Lokal Volume 1 Number 2 April 2024 with special theme of "The existence of customary law in the legal system in Indonesia"

ISSN: 3047-4833 (Online) 3047-4671 (Print)
First Publication: 2024
Accepted Language: Bahasa Indonesia, English
Publisher: Faculty of Law, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa 
Duration: Approx. 40 days to first decision
Acceptance Rate: 80% of the total submissions
Frequency: 2 (two) issues per year (April and October)
DOI: 10.62870/pkh
Audience: Student, Legal Scholar, Researcher, Legal Practitioner
Geographical Diversity: Indonesia
Indexing and Abstracting: GARUDA, Crossref
Citation Analysis: Dimensions, Scopus Citedness
Editor in Chief: Dr. Mohamad Noor Fajar Al Arif Fitriana, S.H., M.H
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62870/pkh.v1i1
Published: May-Okt 2024

Table of Contents


Ni Made Devi Jayanthi