Rt. Bai Rohimah


Face up Industrial Revolution 4.0 education world do various strategies, good relation strategy the relation with policies in the statutory regulations about education, about institusion, and about operational teaching strategies. It can be realized that this strategy is carried out in order to catch up with the advancement of the education industry. There is a very close relationship between educational out put and industrial progress namely the availability of qualified industry players with dependable capabilities. Success and success in preparing young people facing the era of revolutionary generation 4.0 one of which is determined by educational factors, especially Islamic Education. A reminder of history a few years ago how the glory of Islam and Islamic science are in the golden age. Science developed radiply research and discovery was produced by the leader of Islamic thinkers, so that Islam becomes a mecca for Europe. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis method, by reviewing and analyzing several books related to theme, so that the following problems can be formulated, what is the strategy of Islamic education in welcoming the generation of industrial revolution 4.0.  The purpose of this study is can be formulated the right strategy in teaching Islamic education, so that the best generation is born who is able to compete, take part, and play a big role the generation of industrial revolution 4.0.

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