Septimar Prihatini


Project Based Integrated Learning is a learning model that integrates several subjects with different basic competencies into a project. Project Based Integrated Learning Model at SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang was held as an effort to improve the performance of SMAN 3 as a Referral High School version of the Ministry of Education and Culture (PSMA Directorate). The Project Based Integrated Learning Model is expected to improve the competence of SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang teachers in developing learning and assessment innovations and is also useful to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. The Integrated Learning approach used in this best practice is integrated day and connecting. Implemented by an Integrated Learning Teacher Team consisting of PPKn, English Language, Indonesian Language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Geography and Cultural Arts teachers. The project organized consists of 5 projects. The author as superintendent at SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang acts as a motivator, companion and facilitator for the principal and the teachers. The author also supports learning as part of the supervisor's main tasks. Implementation of Project Based Integrated Learning Model in SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang shows positive results and is in line with the objectives of this best practice. 

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