Sapriyah Sapriyah


With the development of technology and information learning media play an important role in assisting the teaching and learning process, so that an educator can take advantage of learning media that began to develop to be used as a tool in delivering material so that the learning process is easier to do. Learning media is very diverse so that an educator must be clever in choosing the appropriate learning media to be applied in school or in the classroom so that a learning goal can be achieved as expected. The existence of learning media in the midst of the development of the era, the teaching and learning process is easier to implement and very important role for a student in following the teaching and learning process. With learning media that are very helpful for students and teachers in the teaching and learning process, students are not easily bored in following the teaching and learning process, students are easier to understand the material, the learning process becomes more effective and efficient, and learning goals are easily achieved as expected. Thus, the role of learning media is needed by an educator and student so that a teaching and learning process can be made easier to understand the material, and foster students' interest in learning.

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