Keywords: Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik, Matematika, Validitas, Computational Thinking
Abstract: Computational Thinking (CT) is one of the abilities that students must master in the 21st century. Computational thinking is an ability that requires students to solve problems in an orderly and logical manner. This is in line with the aim of learning mathematics, namely to develop logical, rational, critical, creative, systematic and practical thinking patterns. One of the media that can be used to support students' computational thinking abilities is the Student Worksheet (LKPD). The purpose of writing this article is to describe the validity of student worksheets in the context of a number arranging game to support students' computational thinking abilities. The data used in this research was analyzed descriptively and quantitatively by filling in a validation assessment sheet. Descriptive techniques are used because this research describes the validity of student worksheets. Meanwhile, the technique used is a quantitative technique with an analysis process using a validity criteria table, both in terms of content, construct and language.
Keywords: Student Worksheets, Mathematics, Validity, Computational Thinking
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