Kata Kunci: SKB, andragogi, dan pedagogi.
Abstract: The roles and functions of SKBs change according to the characteristics and policies of each district or city government. SKBs are expected to access many non-formal education programs as they are the institutions responsible for organizing non-formal education. At SKB Kota Serang itself, in addressing the demands of the surrounding community, several programs have been prepared that can support the fulfillment of the needs of each of its learning citizens. The method used in this research is a qualitative method, while the purpose of this research is in an effort to understand how to optimize learning programs and services at SKB Kota Serang itself. In addition, to increase the existence of the argumentation in this research, a case study approach is also used through collecting information as detailed as possible. Using the method that has been determined, it can be seen that SKB Serang City, is reviewed based on the main aspects that the authors have determined, such as: 1) enthusiasm, 2) strategy, and 3) evaluation of learning activities, it is clearly identified how the implementation of the andragogy and pedagogy approach methods that have been applied in optimizing services to meet the needs of learning citizens has begun to run well. Based on this, it can be concluded that the Serang City Learning Activity Center (SKB) plays an important role in improving the quality of human resources through effective teaching strategies that include understanding the characteristics and emotional needs of each learning community. Although there are challenges that are often found in the process, SKB Serang City continues to strive to be the best in providing quality education programs to all its learning citizens.
Keywords: SKB, andragogy, and pedagogy.
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