Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning Dengan Game Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Konsep Gerak Harmonis Sederhana

Nevi Kilauwati, Yus Rama Denny, Dina Rahmi Darman



This research aims to improve learning outcomes of students who apply the Problem Based Learning with Game model with students who apply the Problem Based Learning model. This research used experiment research with a quasi-experiment design, it was conducted at SMAN 1 Tirtayasa starting from April-May 2018. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. In this study class X IPA 3 as an experimental class using the Problem Based Learning model with Games and class X IPA 1 as a control class using the Problem Based Learning model. The research instrument was given in the form of 57 multiple choice questions. Data analysis techniques to test hypotheses in this study use right-sided t-test. From the results of the two-party test calculation obtained t_count = 3.734 outside the interval 1.666 <t_count <1.666, then H_0 is rejected, and H_a is accepted. The conclusion of the research is there are differences in learning outcomes between students apply the Problem Based Learning Model with Game and studenis apply the problem based learning model. It means that the learning out comes of students.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Games, Cognitive Learning Outcomes, Simple Harmonic Vibration

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