Sandi BCD Ke Peraga Seven Segment Dengan Simulasi Proteus

Putri Dwi Jayanti, Susi Dwi Septiani, Devi Sofiawati, Ganesha Antarnusa



This study discusses how to convert a BCD series to seven segments with the help of software applications.BCD password is a way of writing decimal numbers, each digit represented by a binary number.Seven segment is a display that is formed from 7 groups of LED (Light Emitting Diode) segments that function to emit light when passing through an electric current and arranged in such a way as to form numbers from 0 to 9.One application that is used is Proteus, where this application can be used to find out whether the circuit is correct or wrong.The types of ICs used are IC TTL 7447 and IC TTL 7448. Data collection techniques using quantitative descriptive and based on practicum and simulation.Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the conversion of the BCD series into seven segments using Proteus simulations can be proven.So this application can be used to find out whether the circuit is correct or still wrong in order to study the conversion of the BCD series to seven segments.

Keywords: BCD password, Seven Segment, Proteus Application, IC 7447, IC 7448


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