Penerapan Model PBL Berbantuan Phet Simulation Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Generik Sains Siswa Pada Materi Fluida Dinamis
This study is contrary to the application of PBL Model assisted PheT Simulation to improve student science generic ability in dynamic fluid materials. In this research, there are 2 classes which are fed different treatment. The experimental class will be given Dynamic Fluid Learning with Problem-based Learning (PBL) model assisted PheT Simulation. While the control class is only given Dynamic Fluid learning using conventional model without PheT Simulation. This research uses quasi experiment method by using The Static Pretest-Postest Control Group Design. The average N-gain of the generic science ability for the experimental class is 0.87 (high category). While the average N-gain generic science ability for the control class is 0.40 (medium category).
Keywords: Problem-Based Learning, PheT Simulation, Generic Science Ability
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Fisika (Sendikfi) Untirta diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa