Pengaruh Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika di Masa COVID-19 pada Siswa Kelas X IPA SMA Bina Machmud

Annida Fauziah, Via Sufianti, Alda Safitri, Alinda Sekar A.P



This study aims to determine distance learning on student learning outcomes in physics during the COVID-19 period. The research method used in this research is the quantitative method. This research is the value data of the students of class X IPA SMA Bina Machmud with a total of 29 students. The results showed that the students 'average score in the first semester was lower than the students' average score in the second semester. The first semester students' average score was 66.07, while the students' average score in the second semester was 73.62. The results of these studies indicate that distance learning can affect student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Distance Learning, Learning Outcomes, COVID-19



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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Fisika (Sendikfi) Untirta diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa