Model Pdeode Untuk Meminimalisir Miskonsepsi Pada Materi Momentum dan Impuls Bagi Siswa Kelas X di SMAN 2 KS Cilegon

Widia Tri Priane, Yayat Ruhiat, Rahmat Firman Septiyanto



This study aims to determine the extent to which the PDEODE learning model can reduce the quantity of students' misconceptions in learning momentum and impulse. The research method used in this study is pre-experimental with the design of "one-group pre-test and post-test design". The subject of the research was the tenth grade students at SMAN 2 KS Cilegon with the sampling technique based on certain considerations (purposive sampling). The sample in the study was class X MIA 6 students totaling 35 people. The research data was obtained through three tier tests on material of momentum and impulse and the results of interviews with two teachers of SMAN 2 KS Cilegon whose students experienced misconceptions. The test used in the form of multiple choices as many as 10 items. The average ability of students at the time of pre-test students have understood the concept as much as 28% after learning the percentage of understanding the concept of students increased to 78%. Whereas in the misconception category from the pre test of 30% decreased to 6%, so that from this percentage reduction value it can be said that students' misconceptions can be overcome after learning with the PDEODE learning model. N-Gain test results were -0.71 and categorized as G-high. So that this learning model can be effective to use in overcoming student misconceptions on the concepts of momentum and impulse.

Keywords : Misconception, Model of PDEODE, Momentum and Impulse


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