The influence of marketing communication and investor satisfaction towards investment interest in Serang City with city image as a mediating variable

Deni Legawa, Sutisna Sutisna, Mamay Komarudin


Serang City ranks lowest in terms of investment realization achievement in Banten Province in the last 4 (four) years. This study aims to analyze the role of city image in mediating the influence of marketing communication and investor satisfaction on investment interest. The population of this study was 11,430 investors recorded in the Serang City DPMPTSP database. Based on Hair's calculation, one hundred thirty-nine respondents were taken as samples using the Purposive Random Sampling Technique. The analysis tool used was the SmartPLS 4 application using the SEM-PLS approach. The hypothesis test results showed that city image plays a role in mediating the influence of marketing communication (effect value: 0.312 with t-statistic: 2.524) and investor satisfaction (effect value: 0.116 with t-statistic: 2.046). Without the mediating role of city image, marketing communication, and investor satisfaction were found to have no significant direct influence (t-statistic: 0.384 and 0.761). However, based on the results of testing the overall effect of the model, only marketing communication was found to have no significant impact on investment interest, with an effect value of 0.177 and a t-statistic of 1.178. This study found that city image has a substantial role in mediating the influence of marketing communication and investor satisfaction.


Marketing communication, Investor satisfaction, city image, investment interest, mediation

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