Tirtayasa Journal of International Law

Tirtayasa Journal of International Law (TJIL) is a national peer-reviewed journal particularly in the field of International Law. TJIL aims to publish high quality articles from academics, legal scholars, or practitioners at any level. TJIL creates a forum to exchange new ideas in International Law but not limited to : Public International Law, International Criminal Law, International Environmental law, International Humanitarian law, Human Right, International Law of the Sea, International Dispute Settlement,  International Organizations Law, International Private Law.
We invite experts, academics, practitioners, NGO activists, master and doctoral students, also legal observers to send their articles.

TJIL is periodically published articles in June and December.

Journal Title       Tirtayasa Journal of International Law (TJIL)   
ISSN                 : P-ISSN 2961-8355  (print) | E-ISSN 2961-8061 (online)
DOI Prefix          : Prefix 10.51825/tjil by 
Editor in Chief    : Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya, S.H., M.H
Managing Editor : Mokhamad Gisa Vitrana, S.H., M.H 
Frequency         Biannualy 2 issues per year (June & December)
Indexed by :


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TJIL Publication Partnership ISILL


As per 2023 TJIL in partnership with Indonesian Society of International Law Lecturers to co hosting the publication of Musyawarah Nasional ISILL that being held on November 23-26 2023, in Faculty of Law, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Selected papers will be published on Vol. 3 No. 1 (June 2024) and Vol. 3 No.2 (December 2024).

Posted: 2023-10-26 More...
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Vol 3, No 1 (2024): Tirtayasa Journal of International Law Vol. 3 No. 1 Edisi Juni 2024

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