Development Solar Cell Trainer (SCT) as Learning Media on Renewable Energy

Sukardi Sukardi, Agung Samudra, Ahmad Eko Suryanto, Syarpin Syarpin


Starting from the limitations of learning media on renewable energy material, the idea of developing a Solar Cell Trainer (SCT) was sparked. The purpose of this research is to develop a SCT as a learning media on renewable energy material that can help the learning process become easy and fun. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) which aims to produce a SCT and test its effectiveness. The effectiveness of the SCT trainer is seen from the aspects of Content, Learning Communication Media, Implementation Power and User Response. The R&D procedure is divided into 3 stages, namely: preliminary studies, product development, and evaluation and revision. The object of research involved 1 media expert lecturer and 35 students as users. The data collection technique used a questionnaire which then the results were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the content and media aspects of learning communication were in the good category with a score of 82.5; while the implementation power and user response to the SCT media were in the good category with a score of 80.9. The conclusion of this research shows that SCT media is suitable for use in learning.


Solar Cell Trainer, Learning Media, Renewable Energy

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