Berthianna Nurcresia, Tua Raja Simbolon, Lu'lu Rihhadhatul Aisy, Manis Sembiring, Johny Setiawan



The discovery of extrasolar planets has reached rapid development. Until now, various earth-sized planets called terrestrial planets around their parent stars have been discovered . It is well known that some of these planets orbit their parent stars in habitable zone around their parent stars in class G-M. Some parameters have been determined to re-categorize these planets whether as habitable planets or as Earth's doppelganger, so that various fundamental parameters assumptions to re-categorize the planets appear. We have studied 300 extrasolar planets- located in habitable zone - data by using our calculations to determine the fundamental parameters which determine the position of these planets whether as habitable or as Earth's doppelganger. Earth's doppelganger must be able to maintain water in liquid form and must have fingerprints which are exactly same like Earth does. Therefore, we determine four fundamental parameters, the physical condition of the planet, the surface temperature of the planet, the parent star parameters, and the location of the habitable zone. We set the Earth’s doppelganger to have the standard parameter of ±1 and assume all of Earth parameters as the standard values. After carrying out four analysis processes, we have foundonly two Earth’s doppelganger candidates.

Keywords: Habitable Planet, Earth’s Doppelganger, Kepler-69 C



Planet layak huni; doppelganger Bumi; Kepler-69C

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