Agung Esmawan, Ganesha Antarnusa



Seven segment models used to showing the decimal numbers from 0 to 9. As shown in the digital direction, the series of counters were distinguished from the up counter and down counter. One of the implementasion of seven segment models were sport's scoreboard. Sport's scoreboard were one of the aids in the sports which is used for announce and record the result of the competition so the the onlooker and athletes knowing its score. it been a based of thinking to make the scoreboard by digital system. By using IC 4062. IC NE555, and sevent segment models would help arbiter to record the result score of a competition. This scoreboard were able to use in permanent sport center like stadium or in the semipermanent sport center like open field.

Keywords: Seven Segment, IC 4026, IC NE555



Seven Segment; IC 4026; IC NE555

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