The Effectiveness of Using Hand Puppet Video towards Student's Listening Comprehension in Narrative Text

Ayu Safaroh, Yudi Juniardi, Ika Handayani


The objective of this research was to find out the significant effect of using Hand-Puppet Video towardstudents’ listening comprehension in learning narrative text. This research used quantitative methodand quasi experimental design. This research was conducted at eighth gradeof SMPN 1 PONTANG inacademic year 2021/2022. The experimental class was taught by using hand-puppet media and the controlclass without using hand-puppet media. The samples of this research were VIII A as experimentaldesign and VIII B as control class, each class consisted 30students. The data was collected by usingtest which consisted of pre-test and post-test. The calculating from t-test showed that the value of t-testwas higher than the value of t-table (7.177 ≥2.00) at the level of significant of a 0.05 and degree of freedomis 58. It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted and null hypothesis was rejected and theresult of the research showed that using hand-puppet media had significant effect towards students’listening comprehension. From those findings, it could be concluded that there was significant effectof using hand-puppetmedia towards students’ listening comprehension in narrative text learning ateighth grade of SMPN 1 PONTANG.

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