Improving Students' Eco-literacy through the Development of Electronic Interactive Teaching Materials on Climate Change

Bibin Rubini, Indarini Dwi Pursitasari, Muhammad Iqbal Suriansyah, Ghina Nisrina Ramadhanti, Indriyani Rachman


This study aimed to produce electronic interactive teaching material that can build students’ eco-literacy of climate change. This study used ADDIE design, which began with analyzing needs as a reference and consideration for compiling electronic interactive teaching materials on climate change (e-ITMCC). This study began with analyzing needs as a reference in designing e-ITMCC. Furthermore, a feasibility test was carried out on the e-ITMCC design. Feasibility tests are conducted by material content and multimedia experts using expert judgment sheets. Research instruments use tests, questionnaires, and observations. e-ITMCC was declared suitable for use based on expert judgment and the acquisition of CVR and CVI of teacher assessment results. This e-ITMCC effectively applies them in science learning in junior high school class VII. The implementation results showed that the student's eco-literacy increased after studying climate change with e-ITMCC. Students also responded very well to the use of these teaching materials.


Climate Change; Eco-literacy; Interactive Teaching Materials

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