TIRTAYASA EKONOMIKA is a scientific journal that was first published by the Faculty of Economics and Business - Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, with a printed version based on decree no. 0005.2540931X / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2016 originally had the ISSN Number 0216-5236 then switched to the online version with ISSN Number 2540-931X. The aim of the establishment of the TIRTAYASA EKONOMIKA Journal is a forum to disseminate the results of research or thoughts on accounting, business, economics (general), and Islamic economics in Indonesia. Such research or thinking from academics, government officials, and practitioners. In the first stage of publishing this journal, use the writing/journal template format using a two-column version. Then later in 2017 until now, the writing format/journal template changed using a one column version.
Since then until now, the TIRTAYASA EKONOMIKA journal has been published twice in every year, in April and October by using one column journal template.