achievement of mathematical problem solving abilities
between students who obtain learning with the discovery
learning model and students who obtain learning with the
blended learning model. This research is a mixed method
research with concurrent embedded method. This study
consisted of two experimental groups who learned by
discovery learning and blended learning models. The
research population is students in one of the junior high
schools in Serang Regency. Banten with a class VIII
research sample. Data analysis was performed
quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative analysis is
used to calculate differences in the achievement of
students' mathematical problem solving abilities, while
qualitative data analysis is used to strengthen the results
of quantitative analysis. The results showed the
percentage of achievement of students' mathematical
problem solving abilities that obtained learning with the
discovery learning model with students who obtained
learning with the blended learning model in the medium
category. There was no significant difference in the
achievement of mathematical problem solving abilities
between the two experimental groups.
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