Author Guidelines
Writing Format
- The title should be short and able to reflect the main content of the essay (maximum of 12 words if written in Indonesian and maximum of 10 words if written in English), specific, and effective. The title is printed in capital letters in the middle, with the font of new-time romance 14.
- Author's name is listed without an academic degree, with the name and address of the institution of origin (institution name, address, zip code, country name), and correspondence or e-mail address. The author's name is placed under the heading of the article with a bold 10 times new roman font. If the author is more than 1, then the name of the author is accompanied by small brackets (Aribowo (1) & Fatkhurrokhman (2)) above the name filled in the order of the author.
- Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English with a maximum length of 200 words that contain the basic issues, research objectives, methods and research results written in a concise, clear, complete and complete self describes the essence of the whole writing. Number of 3-5 word keywords or word combinations. Abstract typed with Times New Roman font, 11 with single space.
- Keywords reflect the concept of related articles, straightforward, and informative.
- Introduction contains background of problem, research context, result of literature study, and research purpose. The entire introductory section is described in an integrated manner in the form of paragraphs with the font of new times.
- The research method describes the design of the forms and methods of research, place, data collection techniques, operational definitions of research variables, and analysis techniques with new times roman font 11.
- Results and Discussion contains detailed descriptions of all research results and their analysis. The results can be completed with tables, graphs, drawings and / or charts. The discussion contains the meaning of results and comparison with theory and / or research results similar to the font of new times roman 11.
- Conclusion contains a brief summary or essence of research results in the form of research findings in the form of answers to research questions. In the conclusion section should also put forward the implications of research results for the development of science and technology. The conclusions are presented in paragraph form, with the font of new times romance 11.
- The Bibliography using the Harvard Referencing Standard system contains the sources referred to in the manuscript. Referral sources used 80% in the form of primary sources such as scientific journals or research reports and is a library of the last 10 years with font times new roman, 11.
- Paper size using A4 paper space 1.5. Paper margin on the left 3 cm, right, top and bottom 2.5 cm with maximum number of pages that is 12 pages.
How to Write a Reference
Referrals and quotes using techniques (final name, year) with the following rules:
a) If there are two authors, the referrals are made by naming the names of the two authors followed by the year. Example: (Reza & Toni, 2015)
b) If the author is more than two, simply the first author written with the description followed by et al. or in accordance with the language used in the manuscript. Examples: (Sistri et al., 2015) or (System, 2015)
How to Write a Reference List
Writing a reference list using the Harvard Reference System. The list of references is arranged alphabetically and chronologically. The entire team of authors should be listed in full. The author's first names are abbreviated and written after the last name. The last name should be the same as the one in the script.
A. Book
Penulis 1, Penulis 2 dst. (Nama belakang, nama depan disingkat). Tahun publikasi.
Judul Buku cetak miring. Edisi, Penerbit. Tempat Publikasi. Contoh: O’Brien, J.A dan. J.M. Marakas. 2011. Management Information Systems. Edisi 10. McGraw-Hill. New York-USA.
B. Article Journal
Penulis 1, Penulis 2 dan seterusnya, (Nama belakang, nama depan disingkat). Tahun publikasi. Judul artikel. Nama Jurnal Cetak Miring. Vol. Nomor. Rentang Halaman. Contoh: Cartlidge, J. 2012. Crossing boundaries: Using fact and fiction in adult learning. The Journal of Artistic and Creative Education. 6 (1): 94-111.
C. Proceedings of Seminar / Conference
Penulis 1, Penulis 2 dst, (Nama belakang, nama depan disingkat). Tahun publikasi. Judul artikel. Nama Konferensi. Tanggal, Bulan dan Tahun, Kota, Negara. Halaman. Contoh: Michael, R. 2011. Integrating innovation into enterprise architecture management. Proceeding on Tenth International Conference on Wirt-schafts Informatik. 16-18 February 2011, Zurich, Swis. Hal. 776-786.
D. Thesis or Dissertation
Penulis (Nama belakang, nama depan disingkat). Tahun publikasi. Judul. Skripsi, Tesis, atau Disertasi. Universitas. Contoh: Soegandhi. 2009. Aplikasi model kebangkrutan pada perusahaan daerah di Jawa Timur. Tesis. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Joyonegoro, Surabaya.
E. Referral Resources from Website
Penulis. Tahun. Judul. Alamat Uniform Resources Locator (URL). Tanggal Diakses. Contoh: Ahmed, S. dan A. Zlate. Capital flows to emerging market economies: A brave new world?. Diakses tanggal 18 Juni 2013.
Writing Formulas, Tables, and Drawings
A. Writing Formulas
The mathematical formula is clearly written with Microsoft Equation or other similar applications and is numbered like the following example.
√ ∑
B. Writing Table
Tables are numbered in the order in which they are presented (Table 1, etc.), with no right or left border. The table title is written at the top of the table with a center justified position like the following example.
Tabel 1 Desain Penelitian
Kelompok | Pretes | Perlakuan | Postes |
Eksperimen | O1 | X1 | O2 |
Kontrol | O1 | X2 | O2 |
C. Picture
Images are numbered in the order in which they are presented (Fig. 1, etc.). The image title is placed underneath the image with the center justified position as the following example
Figure 1. Comparison of Child Behavior on Mathematics Subject Value