Penerapan metode phonetic placment untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengucapan konsonan bilabial

Lusiana Lusiana, Reza Febri Abadi, Yuni Tanjung Utami


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dari permasalahan yang peneliti temukan di SKh Al-Karim Cikedal Pandeglang Banten, yaitu pada anak dengan hambatan fisik motorik kelas IV SDKh dalam kemampuan pengucapan konsonan bilabial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan metode phonetic placment memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pengucapan konsonan bilabial [p], [b], [m], [w], di awal, di tengah, dan di akhir kata pada anak dengan hambatan fisik motorik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan single subject research. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu, observasi, dokumentasi dan instrumen. Hasil yang diperoleh subject dilihat dari perubahan level data pada analisis antar kondisi pada fase intervensi (B) ke baseline-1 (A1) meningkat sebesar  (46) poin akibat diberikannya perlakuan. Sedangkan pada fase baseline-2 (A2) ke intervensi (B)  mengalami peningkatan sebesar (-18) poin. Walaupun pada fase baseline-2 (A2) data yang diperoleh lebih rendah dari fase intervensi, namun data yang diperoleh lebih tinggi lebih tinggi dari fase baseline-1 (A1).selain itu, data overlap pada fase intervensi (B) ke baseline-1 (A1)  dan fase baseline-2 (A2)  ke intervensi (B) memiliki persentase overlap 0%. Dengan demikian hasil penelitian ini dapat menjawab hipotesis bahwa dengan penerapan metode phonetic placment kemampuan pengucapan konsonan bilabial pada satu anak dengan dengan hambatan fisik kelas IV SDKh Meningkat. 


Application of the phonetic placement method to improve the ability to pronounce bilabial consonants


Abstract: This research was motivated by the problems that the researchers found in SKh Al-Karim Cikedal Pandeglang Banten, namely in children with physical motoric barriers in class IV SDKh in the ability to pronounce bilabial consonants. This study aims to determine whether the application of the phonetic placement method has a significant effect in improving the ability to pronounce bilabial consonants [p], [b], [m], [w], at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the word in children with disabilities. motor physics. The type of research used is experimental research with single subject research. The data collection techniques used are observation, documentation and instruments. The results obtained by the subject were seen from the change in the level of data in the analysis between conditions in the intervention phase (B) to baseline-1 (A1) increased by (46) points due to the treatment. Meanwhile, in the baseline-2 phase (A2) to intervention (B) there was an increase of (-18) points. Although in the baseline-2 (A2) phase the data obtained were lower than the intervention phase, the data obtained were higher than the baseline-1 phase (A1). In addition, the data overlapped in the intervention phase (B) to baseline-1. (A1) and baseline-2 (A2) to intervention (B) phases have an overlap of 0%. Thus the results of this study can answer the hypothesis that with the application of the phonetic placement method the ability to pronounce bilabial consonants in a child with physical barriers in class IV SDKh increases.


Anak dengan Hambatan Fisik Motorik; Metode Phonetic Placment; Konsonan Bilabial

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