English Vocabulary Learning Strategies Employed by Vocational High School Students in Maritime English Subject

Retno Ayu Widiyanti


One of the most important challenges that the learners have to face during the process of second language learning is learning vocabulary. Vocabulary itself has been recognized as very important to language use in which insufficient vocabulary knowledge of the learners may lead to difficulties in second language learning. In the area of English for Specific Purposes like Bahasa Inggris Maritim, the role of vocabulary becomes even more important. Students need to know and memorize the meaning of fixed and specific terms and instructions in order to be able to perform well on their duties later. The research was conducted in SMKN 36 Jakarta, a vocational high school, with 40 respondents from Maritime major students who study Bahasa Inggris Maritim subject. The implemented instruments were Maritime Vocabulary Proficiency Test and Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire which is derived from Schmitt’s (1997) taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies consisting of determination, social, memory, cognitive, and metacognitive. The Maritime Vocabulary Proficiency Test is aimed to check students’ knowledge of specific terms and instructions that are used in the Maritime industry, while the questionnaire is not only used to show students’ most and least favoured strategy, but also to prove which strategy category that most affects students’ achievement in the Vocabulary Proficiency Test (VPT). In result, based on the regression analysis of SPSS 22 to analyse the questionnaire and the test, ‘Say new word aloud while studying’ and ‘Bilingual/ Monolingual dictionary’ appear to be the two most favoured strategies by the students, followed by other 14 strategies from all 5 categories. Metacognitive was proven to be the most and Cognitive was the least frequently used strategy categories. From the analysis, we can see that only Determination Strategies that affects significantly towards students’ achievement in Maritime Vocabulary Proficiency Test.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/aiselt.v0i0.10903


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