An Analysis of Rhetoric Image of Fashion Advertisement Based on Roland Barthes Theory in A Magazine

Umu Arifatul Azizah


This study is aimed to describe rhetoric image meaning of fashion advertisement based on Roland Barthes theory found in an international woman magazine published in USA. This research focus on six kinds of fashion advertisement samples. This research use documentation technique to collect the data and descriptive method to explain the interpretation of rhetoric image meaning. The findings discuss some parts of rhetoric image: (1) Rhetoric image in advertisements which represent the merk of product, and company’s name is called as linguistic message. (2) Slogan of product in advertisement which has meaning to ask reader to use or buy the product is called as denoted image. (3) idea of woman’s pose representing the suitable of product in daily activity is called as connoted image. Based on the data analysed, the researcher concludes that to understood the meaning of fashion image, the reader should have knowledge rhetoric in reading an advertisement. It can be seen from the image itself and it can represent what product is offered.

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