Oka Rusmini's Ambivalences towards Subaltern Women in Tarian Bumi on High School Students 'Reading

I Nyoman Yasa


Oka Rusmini, one of the authors, has had an influence on the development of Indonesian literature. The Tarian Bumi novel was the first literary work she created. This novel is widely read by high school students in Bali. Through this novel, she has been labeled as a writer supporting the rights of subaltern women. However, in reality, the characters and the fate of the female characters that she has created in the novel are in a helpless state. This shows him as an ambivalent author. This research describes, interprets, and explains Oka Rusmini's ambivalence in creating the Tarian Bumi Novel. This research is a qualitative research. The data collection technique was done by using literature study and interview techniques. This study uses a critical discourse analysis technique of Norman Fairclough's Three Dimensions of Discourse. The results showed that Oka Rusmini had an ambivalent attitude towards subaltern women. This ambivalence shows his strength as an opponent of patriarchy and the strength of patriarchal culture that shackles him as a writer

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/aiselt.v4i4.11045


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