Scientific Approach Influence on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Eighth Grader Students

Maulina Nada Nurwalidena, Pupun Sampurna, Eri Rahmawati


The objective of this research was to see if there is an influence of using Scientific Approach on students’ reading comprehension of eighth grader in one of junior high schools in Cilegon. This research is a quantitative research by implementing quasi-experimental design and used a purposive sampling technique to take the sample. In collecting the data, the instrument that was used in this research was test in the form of multiple-choice questions. The test was divided into two parts, which are pre-test and post-test. The researcher implemented the treatment, which was scientific approach in experimental class, and conventional approach in control class. The findings of the data analysis showed that experimental class answered better on reading comprehension than control class. It is proven by the difference of value mean score in experimental class (85.10) and control class (73.7). It was indicated by the result of independent t-test computation result of post-test score that showed tcount is more than ttable (4.06 ≥ 2.00). It is then concluded that Ha (alternative hypothesis) was accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that the using of scientific approach on students’ reading comprehension gives an influence to the eighth grader students.

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