The Use of Internet as Learning Media during Covid-19 Pandemic

Mutaat Mutaat, Santosa Santosa, Radik Darmawan


The present study investigated the university students’ perception on the use of learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially with the use of internet as the only means to learn. Besides, this research also aimed to identify some factors which might have hampered the students’ learning process when using internet. The respondents recruited for the study were the second semester. There were 40 students of English literature department who were purposively recruited for this study. The research method was mixed method. In this method, the questionnaire was used as the primary instrument to elicit the students’ perceptions. Further, separated interviews were applied to those gaving relevant answers.The findings indicated that basically the students’ perception toward the newly adopted learning process was not really positive. Even though the students perceived that internet was an ideal learning media at the moment. They did not think that learning through internet had the same quality as the face-to-face learning process. Further, they also found the explanation from their teachers was considered easier than the information available in internet. Lastly, they also perceived that internet was useful in terms of being a search engine but not to replace the whole learning aspects (interaction, motivation, teachers, etc.).

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