Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension and Writing Ability of Narrative Text through Story Map Strategy
The objective of the research was to describe the process of improving the students’ reading comprehension and writing ability of narrative text through Story Map Strategy at the ninth grade of SMPN 7 Cibeber. The researcher used classroom action research that was conducted in 3 cycles. The subject of the research was 35 students. The result of the research showed a good improvement, it was indicated by the increase of the mean score in every cycle. (1) In the pre-test, the mean score of students’ reading comprehension test was 61. In the 1st cycle, the score increased by 17% to 71, 4. The 2nd cycle, the score increased by 31, 3% to 80, 1. (2) In the pre-test, the score of writing test was 63, 8 with only 5 students who passed the mms. In the first cycle, the score. Increased by 6, 1% to 67, 7. In the 2nd cycle, the score increased by 11, 8% to 71, 3 with. And in the 3rd cycle, the score increased by 24, 8% to 77, 7. Classically, the students passed the standard minimum score. In conclusion, the students’ reading comprehension and writing ability of narrative text significantly improved trough the story map strategy.
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