An Analysis of Speaking Learning Strategies of EFL Learners in University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Yeni Fitasari, Murti Ayu Wijayanti, Rosmania Rima


The study aimed to find out the speaking learning strategies mostly used by the students of the 2nd semester at the Department of English Education in Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University and the distinctions of speaking learning strategies used by the high achievers, the middle achievers, and the low achievers. This study was conducted at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University involving 37 students of 2019/2020. Quantitative and qualitative data were employed in this study. The closed-response questionnaire was used as an instrument to attain data which was calculated by descriptive statistics based on Heigham & Crocker (2009). A semi-structured interview was used as an instrument to attain data that was analyzed based on Miles & Huberman (1994). This study revealed that metacognitive and social strategies included direct strategies were the most frequently used by students with the highest score of 76.6%. The distinctions in speaking learning strategies used by the high achievers, the middle achievers, and the low achievers were found based on frequency of strategy, strategy category, and variety of strategy. It also showed that language learning strategies can be a contributing factor for effective learners in learning speaking skills.

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